Top Interior Design Trends

Over the years, many looks have come and gone in home interior design. The numbers of trends are endless and people love to combine old and new trends in order to adapt their look to match their personalities. But there are some popular trends that keep popping up and staying with our modern society.
The number one hot interior design trend is the French Neo-classical. It is a look that mixes the style of old money with Hollywood regency. The style focuses on restraint along with low-key finishes and architectural delineation.

A new look we can’t get away from is the Shanghai Modern. It is a Chinese modern design. It incorporates the classical curves of Asian furniture with fretwork patterns, koi and foo dogs, using them as a sort of pop art.

Another hot trend is called the Enchanted Forest. As the name illustrates, this is a more whimsical look and is probably not for everybody.This style is very tongue in cheek, using wood grain prints, antlers and antler accessories, trophy mount heads and gnome-like creatures all over the home.

A popular look that will continually stay a classic is the Americana look. This look takes objects from pre Revolutionary styles and brings them in the modern home.
This is a wider range of interior design, covering decor from the 1770’s through the 20th century. The main focus is on red, white, and blue.

These are just a few of the popular trends that we go on to see combined into living spaces as well as businesses. But in no way are these the only ways to embellish your home. The range is broad and only confined by your imagination.

An Introduction to Zen and Interior Design

If you want to redesign your home into the Zen style, there are key areas to start. Zen interior design usually brings to mind scenes of peace and tranquility, a link with nature and a minimalist Japanese style.

Clutter and loud colors are not used, neither are complex patterns, excess furniture or lots of ornaments. Zen actually isn’t even a style at all. It is best described as a pure state of being. Many people think Zen is associated with the Japanese, but its actual origin is from China. Zen can be described as a branch of Buddhism that focuses on meditation to gain enlightenment.

Zen is about inner awareness and true awakening of the pure Buddha mind. Creating a Zen style in your home can be easy. The mind must be brought into the correct state of mind. The focus is on the here and now, calmness, stillness and on just being there.

The first step is to go through each room and clear the clutter. Move out ornaments and knick-knacks.
In Zen, it is important to clear the clutter in order to clear the mind. Be brutal when going through your items. What you decide to keep should serve a purpose. If you don’t have the heart to get rid of something, store it
away out of sight.

Also, rid your home of any extra pieces of furniture. This means walls, ceilings, and floors also. Anything
elaborate or fussy is not Zen.Then it is time to think about color. Colors should be soothing and calm, not loud or bold.

Interior Design On A Budget

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